Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 15: Oslo

We were all up by 6:30 and in a cab just after 7. We ate breakfast at the airport. I tried a coin operated massage chair to get rid of some of my change. We were changing currencies yet again. It was really nice, I was so relaxed and sleepy I slept most of the flight. We were off the plane and getting on a train by 11 in Oslo. We got off the train into the city and caught a tram that put u right in front of the hostel. They weren't ready for us so we dropped our bags and gabbed a picnic lunch. (Anybody sensing a recurring theme, drop bags eat lunch hmmm...). There's a grocery store just around the corner from our hostel. We took our food and found a park to eat lunch in. 
After lunch we jumped back on the tam and headed for the National Gallery. The National Gallery is a museum dedicated to paintings mostly of Norwegian origin. They had a special Munch exhibit, if the name doesn't ring a bell it should. He painted "The Scream" and surprising that was among my least favorite in the exhibit. Much of the normal exhibition was put away for the Munch exhibit, so there was very little else to see. However, the other things that were there were incredible.
After retrieving our bags, we went to the city hall. It was nearly as awesome as the Stockholm one. This one is the home of the Nobel Peace prize banquet. It had stunning murals along the walls of the main area and a large ballroom that had big windows that overlooked the harbor. After wandering the city hall for a time we headed through the gardens to the Nobel Peace Prize Museum.
The Peace Prize Museum, was amazing and inspiring. It had a bunch of stuff about the EU on display, due to the EU winning last year. The next prize will be announced in December. There was also information about every single Nobel Peace Prize winner. It was so cool. In the gift shop the had postcards with the winners on them. I got a few: Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, the Dali Llama, and Nelson Mandela. Some of my heroes. 
After the museum, we sat and had drinks (the usual combination of beer and my soda). As food is very expensive here, we went back and had a picnic in the room. Because we have a little kitchenette with a fridge, we decided to get breakfast too. After eating we just lazed around a while. People gradually went to bed. I think was the last up as par usual.

I'm not going to get today up tonight due to Mom and I going out and wandering till 11:30 at night. Due to majority of morning people I need to go to bed or risk being grumpy tomorrow when they wake me up.

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