Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 10: Stockholm Part 1

We got up and strolled down the walking mall. We had breakfast at Wayne's Coffee, they had really great cinnamon rolls. We were planning a seeing more of the royal palace but discovered that they were closed on Monday. Instead we ended up going to the City hall. It was a beautiful building. They had a room that was designed after an Italian courtyard with a roof, the camber room for the town council was like a viking longhouse, there was an entryway that was in the gothic style, one hall like a french palace, and a completely gold mosaiced giant hall. All these styles should've clashed but they didn't. We saw where the Nobel banquet is held, the Italian courtyard, and the ball afterwards, the mosaic hall. It was super cool and something that would never be built in the states. They had a gift shop and Mom, Aunt Deb and Uncle Chuck all bought Dala horses. I almost did but they weren't quite what I was looking for
After touring the city hall, we had a light lunch in the garden between the harbor and the hall. Then we split up, Aunt Deb, Mom and I went back to the old town, while Dad and Uncle Chuck went off into a new section. We girls were on a mission. I wanted to buy a Dala horse, if you don't know what that is go google it now. Seriously, you're on the internet anyway right? 
Now back to the Dala horse buying. I wanted on because there has been one sitting by the door of our horse since before I was born and I want tone standing guard someday in my house. What better thing to do than get one from the country they're from? So we went to this little shop where Aunt De had gotten a traditional sweater the day before and I found the perfect one. They're hand painted so each is unique. The woman who ran the shop was very kind and we all bought something.
After we go my Dala horse, the three of us wandered back towards the hostel. We stopped at Wayne's again, this time for a soda and an afternoon bite. We split a Raspberry Crumble that was served in vanilla sauce. It was delicious! After our little stop we met the boys back a the hostel. The rest of the day I shall write up later because I am very tired and need sleep. I will do my best to get the rest of day 10 and 11 up tomorrow. Ta-ta!

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